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buchheister tube

Clarity and structure

A harmonious living feeling and the

the buchheister products are characterised by a

hand-in-hand approach to function and comfort.

Since 1922, we have been taking care of the right atmosphere with curtain, panel curtain and interior sun protection systems.



The team of the "German Design Award" has awarded our tube with the most renowned award in the field of industrial design worldwide, the "German Design Award 2019".  

The architectural scouts at Heimtex2019 in Frankfurt also discovered the buchheister® tube. The jury awarded it the AIT Visitor Prize.


from the company

Very fresh on our team: Mandy Bürger.

As a trained photographer and media designer, she expands our marketing department.

Welcome to Mandy Bürger!



Your perspectives in the innovative, market-leading family business! We offer you attractive and future-proof jobs in the technical and commercial areas. 


education and training

Use your talents and rely on a solid education at buchheister®. We look forward to receiving qualified applications.

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